Anxiety disorder treatment without medication

Anxiety disorder treatment without medication

Anxiety is a mental disorder which is connected with feelings of nervousness or worry. These reflect physically in feeling fear, nervous in a particular type of situation or changes in physical indicators in the body such as heartbeat, pulse, sweating or headache. There are various treatments available for anxiety disorder. They range from a few counselling sessions to prolonged counselling with medication. Treatment of anxiety disorder requires medication in some serious or specific cases. However, anxiety disorder treatment without medication is efficient in most of the cases.

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The first step in identifying the treatment for anxiety is diagnosing the patient and his/her situation. The diagnosis involves possible events or behavior or thought patterns which might be giving rise to situations of anxiety. This could owe to a particular job or task which one is responsible for, a social interaction situation, situation at workplace or relationship with friends and family. An important intervention is to work on the problematic environment that is giving rise to anxiety. Anxiety disorder sometimes represent situations which one is eager to avoid or eager to change. Anxiety disorder treatment without medication aims at giving confidence to the patient to face the situation and identify ways to cope with it.

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A counsellor or therapist can use various methods for anxiety treatment:

  • General counselling: general counselling is associated with identifying situations of trouble, and instilling confidence to deal with them. Anxiety disorder treatment can be best treated without medication by instilling confidence in the patient to cope up with stress.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT therapy helps to work on thought patterns, and associated behavioral actions in situations of distress. The therapy trains one to process and structure their thoughts in a way that they can work towards generating positive changes or avoiding negative changes in the body in situations of distress.

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  • Hypnosis: hypnosis helps patients to relax, assess their thoughts and thus problems and work with the therapist in finding the best way one can train their mind for positive outcomes. Some therapists prefer using hypnosis in combination with CBT therapy.
  • Biofeedback: this method constantly gives the feedback associated with changes in body such as heartbeat, breathing or body temperature. The feedback is in the form of quickly identifiable forms so that the patient take quick small steps to normalize body functions and create positive effects. Biofeedback is a treatment process for anxiety disorder without medication.
  • Relaxation techniques: relaxing in the situation of distress is an elemental step towards rectification measures or understanding the situation of distress. There are various relaxation techniques that a counsellor may suggest, such as deep breathing, or visualization. Relaxation helps to solve problems of panic or sudden nervousness in situations of distress and can cure the disorder.
  • Exercise: a habit of daily exercise, causing physical exertion helps to regulate body mechanisms, and thus does not cause disturbances in the body in situations of minor stress. Self help measures such as exercise can help in the treatment of anxiety disorder without medication.
  • Changes in lifestyle: a patient may by oneself or in consultation with a counsellor work towards adopting simple habits, or making small changes in their lifestyle. These small changes such as planning the day ahead or avoiding harmful diets helps to avoid low level anxieties.

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Treatment of anxiety disorder is associated with correcting situations or thoughts that give rise to anxiety. Patients who reach out to the counsellors in the capacity of trust in the process helps the counsellor to work in their best capacity. Treatment of anxiety disorder without medication can revolve around counselling for particular decision making, helping in communication training or working on habits of thought patterns and daily life. The counsellor works in the best interest of the patient to create overall positive well-being and ensure slow and stable changes through small steps over the course of counselling. A patient must understand that the process of counselling, especially treatments without medication are dependent of engagement of the patient with the techniques for positive outcomes. These treatments are better described as self-help, for which diagnosis, recommendation and training of the cure is facilitated by a therapist.

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