Anxiety Treatment

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety in definition can be identified as a mental health disorder concerned with feelings of worry, nervousness, or uncertainty. However, for a common reader concerned with daily routine and health, it can be simply understood as uneasiness. This uneasiness could have any form, such as sudden changes in heartbeat, the uneasiness of breathing, and the sudden feeling of cold. Anxiety can be as simple as feeling nervous or fearful.

Identify your problems and if you are also suffering from anxiety then get assistance from an Anxiety Specialist in Delhi – look for a Psychologist in South Delhi.

Psychologist in south Delhi

Signs and Symptoms

There are multiple symptoms of anxiety and there is no limited list of symptoms, which can be identified or are not identified as anxiety. Anxiety refers to changes in metabolic processes and the way we conduct ourselves or how we feel. Thus, signs and symptoms can be understood in ways of how we are impacted. It is important to understand them, and search for the top Psychologist in Delhi or a Psychologist in South Delhi.

  • Irrational thoughts, sleep, and dreams

It is likely that anxiety that might be stemming from simple fears is propping up irrational fears, or making one be afraid of worse possibilities. For instance, while driving a car, you notice yourselves being extra worried of an accident than needed because you are constantly thinking of the possibility of an accident, seldom, when the road might be an empty one. Being cautious is recommended, thinking of an accident at all times is not. Fears and thoughts of extreme situations can affect sleep patterns, cause insomnia and give rise to recurrent dreams of similar lines.

  • Irregular changes in body, fatigue, and exhaustion

Excessive worrying or being nervous is the most identifiable sign of being anxious. These can lead to restlessness and feeling agitated or irritated. Worrying too much can make one feel exhausted or fatigued all the time. Sudden headaches or body pain are possibilities that can stem from being anxious.

  • Difficulty to conduct oneself socially, even when alone

Being anxious leads one to depart from being a normal self or conducting oneself properly in daily routine and social interactions. One might feel like avoiding the situation of facing other people or even a task when one is alone. Fear, anxious thoughts of not being able to do something, invite one to lose concentration and one notices behavior of lack of concentration in things, which one can easily do. A lot of confusion about oneself and the task can also pop up.

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Types of Anxiety Disorders

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

A person suffering from generalized anxiety disorder exhibits symptoms of excessive worry or nervousness in daily routine of activities, for a prolonged period of several months. It causes problems in work and social interactions, or when one is spending time with oneself.

  • Panic disorder

Panic disorder can lead to sudden panic attacks or feelings of intense fear which can be identified by sudden changes in breath, heart rate, sweating, shaking or feelings of choking. The panic can rise to a peak in a very short duration. It can arise in situations of fear of a task or people, object, or situation.

  • Phobia-related disorders

Phobia refers to an intense fear to the extent of struggling hard to avoid that object or situation. A person can feel anxious or intensely disturbed in reference to objects or situations of phobia and feel very normal otherwise. There can be many types of phobia-related disorders. There are a few which are more common:

    • Specific phobia disorder:

As the name suggests, it refers to a phobia of a specific object or situation such as fear of heights, water, driving in congested lanes, or speeding highways.

    • Agoraphobia disorder:

People with agoraphobia feel anxious, or nervous in open spaces, or when outside the home. They can also be anxious in situations of taking public transport or being in public spaces.

  • Social-anxiety disorder

Social-anxiety disorder can be noticed in very common situations. It is the ability to avoid social interactions or fears and pressure of social performance. This is associated with feelings of being negatively evaluated or feeling embarrassed with oneself in a social situation or simply among people.


Anxiety is a part of life, however, only occasionally. As is exhibited by types of anxiety disorders, fear, stress, objects, or situations, how they affect us and the way we handle them leads to a condition where we feel anxiety. Generalized anxiety disorder or situation of prolonged anxieties can happen because of a series of events happening in our lives, or because of situations of our upbringing. We can develop problems of anxiety if we are constantly in a situation we are trying to avoid, which points to working towards improving our lives and situations.

Look for a life counselor in Delhi or Psychologist in South Delhi.  

Anxiety Treatment in Delhi

Treatment options

If anxiety symptoms or its effects are prolonged, they need to be treated. Simply because they affect us and we are troubled with feelings of uneasiness. Conditions of anxiety can arrive from changes in life or the normal situations of our life. They can start appearing from daily habits or lifestyles and need not necessarily arise from any trauma or specific sadness. There are multiple treatment options available. 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – learning to process thoughts
  • Medication
  • A daily habit for improving lifestyle
  • Self-assessment of life’s situations and making choices that make us happier

Life counsellor in delhi

Self-help and coping

The best treatment is learning to cope, change the situations of life around you, or take steps to make them better. Coping with anxiety begins with being determined for self-help and making the right choice. Adopting a simple daily habit and our “online therapy for anxiety” can help cure anxiety disorders. The key is to be mentally healthy, happy, and engaged in activities, and not escape fear or difficult situations, but to learn to deal with them. Because sometimes the only way is through. Low-level anxieties can become stress problems if we don’t recognize them and cope with them. An important step is to them and changes our thought patterns when we are in a situation. This enables us to deal with situations better and feel better about ourselves.

Get in touch for anxiety treatment in Delhi as the first step to seeking professional help or looking for a Psychologist in South Delhi.

Feel free to reach out to us for counseling and psychotherapy sessions from our trained psychologists, and psychotherapists.