Counselling after a relationship break up | What to do if your heartbreak gifted you depression?

Counselling after a relationship break up

Feel free to reach out to us for Counselling sessions, to help you heal from the pain of the relationship breakup.

NOTE: Sessions are provided by our trained Psychologists.

Have you ever been in one of those relationships that seem to be too good to be true? Or the ones that have an unexpected start? Or maybe one that turns into a dreaded stereotype? No matter what kind of a relationship you have been in, there is one thing that sets it apart from fairytales- it can hurt when it comes to an end! After all, a meaningful romantic relationship often implies that the people involved in it invested their time, efforts, as well as emotions into each other. Break up faced in such romantic relationships with someone so dear can lead to grief, a sense of emptiness or feeling lost as well as mental health problems like Depression in some cases.

If you know anyone going through such an experience, read this article to find out how counselling after a relationship break up can be all the help that they need:

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Simply put, break ups are loving relationships put to an unfortunate end. But how you deal with the hurt that follows is still in your hands! Here are 3 healthy ways to care for a broken heart:-

  1. Let it all out – We often believe that bottling up unpleasant feelings is the best way to deal with them in the hope that they will disappear magically someday. Well, unexpressed feelings never really go away no matter how hard we try to not acknowledge them. So, allow yourself to express all that you feel.
  2. Take care of yourself– It may seem very tempting to seek revenge from an estranged lover by pushing yourself to excel. And while this may help you flourish, remember to be kind to yourself as well. Do not push yourself to the verge of breaking down.
  3. Focus on yourself– We often trade the true essence of who we are for the social roles that we play round the clock. However, a break up can be a great opportunity for you to rediscover yourself and fall in love with the person in the mirror. 



No matter how gently two people involved in a romantic relationship try to break up, it is bound to hurt to some extent because break ups are losses in their own right! Ajita Dhaila- another practicing psychologist in New Delhi- once said, “We don’t lose people only to death, but also to choices and circumstances.” They can trigger a reaction of grief which is experienced by most people going through such a phase in their lives. A few indicators that you can look out for are:-

  1. They might seem to be angry and frustrated for the most part of the day.
  2. Spells of crying and blues may follow.
  3. They may seem fearful of a lot of things, such as meeting their former beloved again, being lonely forever, or getting into another romantic relationship.
  4. They may have trouble sleeping at night.
  5. They may no longer seem interested in many activities that they liked earlier.

While these symptoms seem troublesome, experiencing them is very common. You can think of them as a usual, but not necessary, part of grieving the loss of a loved one. Moreover, they go away as one slowly begins to adjust to the life that they have after the break up. 

Depression, on the other hand, is a diagnosable psychological disorder recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5. This manual is used by most mental health professionals while they test, diagnose and treat their clients. If you suspect that the breakup has led to this condition, keep your eyes out for five or more of the following symptoms occurring on most days for a minimum of two weeks:-

  1. Feeling low and hopeless
  2. Loss of interest in activities enjoyed before
  3. Loss of, or increase in, appetite leading to weight loss or weight gain
  4. Excessive or too little sleep
  5. Evident slowing down of thought and physical movement
  6. Feeling drained out on most days
  7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive and inappropriate guilt on more days than not
  8. Reduced ability to think, concentrate or make decisions
  9. Repeated thoughts about death.

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Depression, like other psychological disorders, is best treated by mental health professionals. Moreover, this disorder can be treated very well with counselling and psychotherapy in most cases. So, one of the best ways to tackle depression caused by a break up would be to go for counselling. Counselling after a relationship break up focuses on the issues and needs that the client brings to the session. The counsellor’s role is to try and empower the client on the latter’s journey in finding the solutions that suit them the best in order to build the life that they wish to live!


Break-ups can turn out to be very difficult to deal with, but you can choose to tackle it in a way that helps you become the person you want to grow into. Counselling after a relationship break up can pave the way that you walk on in this very journey.

Get in touch for counselling and psychotherapy by the best psychologists.

Feel free to reach out to us for counseling and psychotherapy sessions from our trained psychologists, and psychotherapists.