Pathological gambling is an issue that is not actually as far removed from the lives we live as it may seem. What seems like something confined to dingy rooms filled with smoke, spotlights and men huddled around small tables in movies can turn into reality for people in more ways than one. Click here to learn more about pathological gambling! 

Now although it is a grave issue, all hope is not lost because it is possible to leave this addiction behind with the right kind of help.



Gambling has become so prevalent that the Law Commission of India recommended that it be regulated to track the laundering of fraudulent money! But the field of Psychology has seen an accompanying rise in the study of this phenomenon. Such research has helped in the establishment of an upcoming branch in this field known as Gambling Psychology. This, in turn, helps create more and more counselors, psychologists and other mental health professionals who aim to help gambling addicts put this bane in their past.

Gambling Counseling and Therapy



Such clinics have experts who focus exclusively on treating addictions such as that of gambling. The gambling help services may resemble that of alcohol addiction as well. It would include components like medication, counseling, self-help, support groups and sometimes even help for caregivers.  Furthermore, any other issues or addictions existing simultaneously will be tested for and treated side by side. A gambling treatment centre is another institution that would function in a similar manner.



Just like Alcoholics Anonymous, this is a group of people with a desire to stop gambling who share tales of their struggles, experience, hope and strength with each other in group sessions so that all the members present can learn something from each other. Eventually, such group sessions are meant to help all their members overcome a problem common to the group, such as compulsive gambling. A few additional benefits of attending them are:-

  1. Meeting a group of people who struggle with the issue of compulsive gambling can help one contradict an otherwise common belief that says, “I am the only one struggling with this problem!”
  2. It can act as a platform for developing social skills during the process of group therapy.
  3. It can also help members develop coping skills for problems that often accompany compulsive gambling through the process of vicarious learning. In such a case, all the members get a chance to learn from the experiences of the one sharing their story in the session.

What is Pathological Gambling?



When it comes to getting rid of addictions such as compulsive gambling, the road to recovery is a long-wound one. Moreover, the process need not be linear- what is often sold as a simple decision enriched by will power is actually a long-drawn battle full of pitfalls for the one trying to put this problem behind them. A few ways in which you can help them are:-

  1. Help them find alternative methods for letting off some steam: Many a times, people resort to such addictions in an effort to deal with the stress life flings at them. Help them understand that they can do the same without resorting to another round of a gamble as well.
  2. Build a strong support system: Battling an addiction of any kind is a tough choice that has to be made every single day; having to do so alone can make it seem impossible! Ensure that they know they have people to support them in this journey. Even simple acts of kindness like providing a safe space for the former compulsive gaming addict to vent about how difficult it can be to not go back to old habits on bad days can draw the line between recovery and relapse.
  3. Seek help: Compulsive gambling problems can often be accompanied by other addictions as well as underlying mood disorders. Help your friend reach out to an experienced counselor who can test them for such issues and start the appropriate treatment plan required, for some things are best left to the experts.

Compulsive Gambling Treatment

Since gambling is a multi-faceted issue that doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it is best to take the help of an expert on the matter. Counselors specializing in the area of gambling can help your near and dear ones who fell prey to this habit come out of its clutches. They start by trying to understand the reasons behind this behavior, and then provide help for weaning off of it slowly. Lastly, they ensure that this change is maintained in future by cultivating healthy skills and coping mechanisms that can help one do so.



We may thus conclude that gambling, and not the people who fell for the trap laid by its addiction, is the problem at hand. However, pathological gambling disorder too can be turned into a thing of the past with the right kind of treatment!

Get in touch for counselling and psychotherapy by the best psychologists for compulsive gambling treatment.

Feel free to reach out to us for counseling and psychotherapy sessions from our trained psychologists, and psychotherapists.