Difference between Counsellor | Psychotherapist & Psychiatrist

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Many people often don’t know the difference between Counselor, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, and Psychotherapist. I hope this post would help you understand this difference better. (Do read till the end)

Counsellors – trained to provide counseling to help you cope better with your life and any issues you have

Clinical and Counselling psychologists – healthcare professionals who specialize in assessing and treating mental health conditions using evidence-based psychological therapies

Psychiatrists – qualified medical doctors who’ve received further training in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions

Psychotherapists – similar to counselors, but they’ve usually received more extensive training; they’re also often qualified applied psychologists or psychiatrists

And remember reaching out to these mental health professionals doesn’t mean you are mad. Most of us face issues in our lives which can affect our mental health. It’s really very common, but the problem is the stigma attached to mental health, which stops people from seeking help.

So, Seek help. Reach out.

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