What is the purpose of human life?

What is the purpose of human life?

Anyone who has ever spent even little time in self-reflection would have encountered this question (crucial to live a fulfilled life).

This question has either puzzled or haunted human-beings for many centuries.

Below I am sharing my perspective to this ultimate question:

Life has no purpose to be attained, it itself is the purpose. Life is a progressive unfolding of events, dependent on various factors. It is a happening, a series of cause and effect, a journey (towards no defined destination).

As a human-being, there are only two things you can do:

  • Experience the grand play of life to whatever capacity you want or can. This experience can be enhanced, and varies from immense suffering to immense joyfulness, depending on how you operate within and outside of yourself.
  • Contribute to the process of unfolding in whatever capacity you want or can.

Would love to know your views on this. Do mention them in comments.

Stay tuned for more on human well-being 🙂

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