Am I depressed or just sad and lazy?

Am I depressed or just sad and lazy?

Am I depressed or just sad and lazy?

Sometimes, there is a lot that you want to do. You might even not be doing things which you like. You had been feeling a lot disinterested lately. You have known it always. But this time it is different. This feeling never stayed for such a long time as it is now. And always, things which you liked helped you to defeat this feeling and participate in activities of routine and leisure. Is it the time to ask myself, “Am I depressed or just sad and lazy?” I might need to see a psychologist.” But, in such time, it is difficult to push yourself for seeking one. Even the taboos around seeking help only stop you or make you feel more miserable. Maybe, the easiest is to ask Google. Maybe you should search “online counselling for depression”, if you feel there is something that is not right, and this time, it is different.

Usual things have lost their flavor…

There are times when you are disinterested and you find it difficult to participate in your routine activities. Waking up and getting ready can tire you the way you feel tired at the end of a hard working day. It is not only in the routine activities or things that you like such as painting, reading, cooking or photography; but you feel sour or lost inside often. Your best foods and places does not cheer you up. You might be constantly searching for motivational videos to cheer yourself up, or considering a session through online counselling for depression. You might need to see a psychologist as it is possible that you are not just being sad or lazy, but depressed. If you have tried enough to help your situation and you are not able to do it this time, you might want to see a psychologist.

Psychologist in south delhi

It’s not the same with people too…

Changes in the mood and conduct in activities that you always did without any effort is taking a lot from you these days. Such a disconnect need not always come from an illness which you are aware of. You might be depressed. Depression is not merely a state of mind. It is important to consider it as equivalent to illness which needs to be treated. It is not only you who is observing the changes in yourself. People around you might often acknowledge that you are not the same. You might simply reject them by using an excuse of tiredness. However, you are confused why are tired all the time. This tiredness might affect your interaction with the people around. Your close people might start to inquire frequently “is everything OK?” or “are you thinking about something” or “you seem different”. You might be sad or lazy, but are you being depressed?

Would it simply pass away?

One might wonder where do you start differentiating between depression and laziness or when do you know that you need to seek help. There is no prescribed list of symptoms to answer that. However, if there is something that you are not able to deal with, it is a good and important to consult a professional. Your friends and close ones might have advice for ways through which you can be fine. Your friends might suggest that seeing a psychologist or consulting one online is a rubbish idea. It is important for you to self assert that you might need professional help if you don’t feel better through ways of own accord or suggestions of others. You and your near and dear ones would try to crack your sadness like a formula relating it to some recent event in your life. It should be understood that if an event has triggered the changes in your behavior and conduct in routine life, there is no formula solution to cheer you up. You would always try to avoid any confrontation by trying to console yourself for reasons of sadness. The process of consoling yourself might make you feel better momentarily, but you might feel lost, sad or disinterested frequently. You might find yourself struggling always with your thoughts or directing your energy for participating in things that you want to do.

Depression treatment in south Delhi

Have you struggled long enough?

If you are constantly struggling to feel better and happier, you might ask yourself, “am I being simply sad or lazy, or am I being depressed?”. If you are depressed, it is only you who can help yourself, speak up and seek a counselor, probably online with the most convenience.

Get in touch with us: Psychotherapy for Depression in India.

Feel free to reach out to us for counseling and psychotherapy sessions from our trained psychologists, and psychotherapists.