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What is Anger Management Therapy? How Does it Work?

Control Your Anger: Before It Controls You

Anger management therapy is a therapeutic strategy that targets the emotional
response to certain factors that trigger anger. This helps the clients to
overcome emotional blocks and emotional stressors, especially those that can cause
hyperemotional reactions such as anger. Anger is a normal healthy emotion and
anger management therapy is a process of learning how to express it in an
appropriate manner and deal with the situations in a productive way.

Three categories of anger warning signs:


Three types of anger:

There are three types of anger that help shape how we react in a situation that
makes us angry are:

  • Passive Aggression
  • Open Aggression
  • Assertive Anger

Anger management therapy includes the following strategies:

  • Controlling impulses
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Regular Meditation
  • Breathing techniques/exercises
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Personal reflection
  • Emotional consciousness

Some more coping strategies which can be effective:

  • Maintaining journals
  • Exercising
  • Finding a constructive hobby
  • Emotional reframing

Who can benefit?

This therapy is often recommended for:

 Individuals with cognitive disorders or mental health issues who cannot
regulate their emotional responses
 Those dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder
 Those with emotional or behavioral changes following a traumatic brain
 Also, people who are addicted or who are in process of recovery from

Before reaching out to any programs for anger management near me, on an
individual-level figuring out and practicing certain steps are necessary.

Ways to control anger on an individual level:

  • When you feel anger is rising, say or do nothing. Just stop yourself. Do not
    act out your angry feelings.
  • Take a mental timeout and even a physical timeout if necessary to avoid
    act out your anger in ways that might be hurtful to yourself or others.
  • Continue calming yourself down by using a relaxation exercise, such as
    meditative breathing, safe place visualization, or progressive muscle
    relaxation until you are grounded and can think more clearly.
  • When you are completely calmed down, avoid returning to blaming. Once
    you have identified the pain, and then ask yourself, what to be done to avoid
    it in the future.
  • Focus on your pain and take care of yourself.

Anger Management Counseling and Taking Therapies:

Counseling and talking therapy involves talking about your problems with a
psychotherapist or a counselor who can help one explore the causes of anger and
ways to manage it. This can help one improve their responses to situations and
work through one’s feelings.

 COUNSELING: It is usually a short-term treatment where you talk about
issues relating to outbursts of your anger and try to understand how you
could have managed those situations differently.



How does Anger Management Therapy work?

  • It provides a controlled platform for the release of emotions. Aims to
    achieve constructive responses. People in therapy are encouraged to examine
    what triggers their anger as a result they become aware of their emotions at
    each level of arousal. People learn how to use those signs as a map to control
    their anger.
  • Therapists help people notice anger responses that may be a defense
    mechanisms for other concerns.
  • This allows people to reduce stress. It also reduces the risk of heart disease,
    high blood pressure, and other serious health problems.
  • The goal of the therapy is to teach people how to examine their triggers. It
    helps develop healthy ways for people to express anger or frustration.
  • “Therapy for anger management” may take place in one-on-one or group sessions and addresses anger issues which may include – parenting, teens, and work-related anger or rage.

Feel free to reach out to us for counseling and psychotherapy sessions from our trained psychologists, and psychotherapists.

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