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With the world drowning in the heavy floods of the Covid-19 pandemic, many individuals are finding it hard to hold on to the brighter side of life. The pandemic has daunted many who are trying to live a normal life. Keeping aside the usual scare, people with mental illness are suffering more than others. The lockdown, confinement inside their homes, nil social interaction and other drawbacks of this pandemic have increased their symptoms.  They are facing double the suffering. Owing to this, many online therapists in India are posing the role of superheroes trying to save those who are suffering.

Many are opting for online therapies nowadays. The Indian therapist online is doing its best job catering to the needs of those with mental health issues. Below are a few reasons why online therapy is growing in India.

  1. The pandemic scare has scarred many

Covid-19 has put a scar on many. Even though two years have passed since the breakout of the pandemic, still many are finding it hard to commute to places like before. One-to-one social interaction is still a question for many. People are worried if they will get Covid and so are a few therapists.

  1. Save money on travel

People with difficulty in traveling are now at ease due to their online consultations. We just need a stable internet connection and a device like a laptop/phone/tablet to connect with the therapists. Travel expenses are thus reduced. Moreover, since there is no travel, one doesn’t get tired or exhausted.

  1. Chill in your pajamas

No worries about getting ready and dressing up for your consultations with your therapists; we have online consultations now. Even though the way you dress matters and therapists will take note of it, you can still wear comfortable dresses that you thrive in.

  1. Affordable and convenient

online therapies are very convenient than the traditional consulting method. Therapists and patients can discuss and fix the timing for consultation. Moreover, online therapy is more cost-efficient than the usual consultations. We don’t have to spend on travel and food during the journey.

  1. No more stigma

People are sadly ashamed of their mental illness. Mental health isn’t viewed as a normal thing even in this 21st century. Stigma still lingers around mentally ill patients. People who should be treated with utmost love and care, are looked down on their drawbacks.

Patients now are able to consult their doctors online and are not worried about what people might think or label them when they had to walk inside a psychiatric hospital or to a psychologist earlier.

High time to change our view

Even though there are lots and lots of online therapists in India, only a few are skilled to give the best for their patients. For many, Mental health and physical health aren’t the same. Many people think the brain isn’t a part of our body and that mental wellbeing isn’t as important as physical wellbeing. People at least now should understand that mental illnesses are as serious as physical illnesses.

Mentally ill patients with the right medications and support are as capable as others who are considered “normal”. Whereas things have changed and abnormality is now considered the new normality. Although good changes are seen in the way people approach mentally ill patients, more such changes are yet to be seen in the near future.

Few downfalls of online therapy

There are many skilled online psychologists India could ask for. With growing mental health-related issues caused by the pandemic, many are opting for online therapies as it has many benefits. While counting the number of positives online therapy has, many not notice the downfalls online therapy has. Listed below are a few drawbacks that online therapy has;

  • Body language is one of the most important features that psychologists and doctors notice in their patients. It will tell them the mental state in which their patient is in. But, through online therapy, the patients aren’t been fully viewed and this is a drawback to be noted.
  • In the case of acute illnesses, online therapy would be of zero help.
  • When there is a power outbreak or if the device isn’t working or if the internet is down, such cases show that direct consultation is the best.

Wrapping up

Many opting for online therapy have boosted the online therapists in India to give their best to one of the vulnerable groups. Online therapy is growing in many hot cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, etc. where people are more prone to mental health-related issues.

This is an online era and there is no wonder that even health consultations have become online now. Most humans find the easiest way to all the toughest barriers and mental health is one such area. With the growing number of people with mental illnesses, online therapy has now become the easiest and most convenient way for both therapists and patients seeking help.

Feel free to reach out to us for counseling and psychotherapy sessions from our trained psychologists, and psychotherapists.

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At CoachForMind, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality mental healthcare, and we are committed to making that a reality.

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