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Relationship therapists in India

Relationships are built on trust, love and confidence in one another. When there are issues in a relationship, the problems are rooted in past unresolved conflicts. As India is a country where relationships, particularly marital relationships, are still based on an arranged format. Indian families tend to become over involved in the dynamics of the couple which may result in unnecessary relationship problems within the couple as a result of many unspoken expectations of the family and the implicit incompetence felt by the partners. Relationship therapists in India, hence speak on the dynamics of the family as a whole.

In today’s article, we will go through the story of Rahul and Vaishali, who started off as a very happy married couple, but were facing some unresolved issues that are affecting their dynamics – and the root for them all was found to be overbearing control of their in-laws.


A Story of Problems? Or Suppressed Love?

While we explore the story of Rahul and Vaishali, let’s keep in mind the love and comfort that they had with one another. So, think about it, what went wrong?


  • Over-involvement of the in-laws: Whenever Rahul and Vaishali had some personal issues, their in-laws used to get involved without knowing the complete context. They were overbearing and were giving unwanted advice that was most often biased and resulted in the booming of the problem.
  • Subtle unconstructive remarks: Whenever Vaishali or Rahul used to make some small mistake at their homes. Each of their in-laws used to make snide comments on their behaviour and didn’t give them the space to explore their mistakes and find out where they could improve.
  • Lack of Privacy: Every couple needs some private time, even if they are in a joint family. Whenever Rahul and Vaishali used to look for some private time to spend with one another, their family used to make sure that they end up doing some or the other chore/work. Every time they had a little argument, their in-laws used to get involved.
  • Lack of Freedom: Both Rahul and Vaishali’s parents are used to putting pressure on them to meet their expectations of how an ideal husband and wife should be. Due to generation gap, the required space and freedom for the couple is unavailable. This led them to feel suffocated in their own relationship, even though they did not have any problem with one another.


It is unfortunate that many couples like Rahul and Vaishali in India still go through the overbearing nature of their in-laws that most often add to the problems of a complex nature than resolve them.

What did Rahul and Vaishali do to resolve the issue? 

After going through so many unresolved issues, Rahul and Vaishali sat with one another, and thought about the actual cause of their problems. Soon they both realized that they themselves as a couple do not have many problems but the over involvement of their in-laws were making things worse for them. Starting from the lack of freedom to the lack of privacy, their in-laws were introducing many new challenges that were unwarranted for.

This is when they sought a relationship therapist in India. And this is also when their story of improvement, and re-fostering love, and harmony began. 

How did Relationship Counseling Online in India help them?

As many clients often feel, Rahul and Vaishali had their doubts before joining any counseling session. Soon, however, as the sessions progressed, they felt they had a safe space to talk about their issues without having the constant judgment of their in-laws. Online counseling particularly helped them maintain their privacy while being able to resolve their issues from wherever they were. Relationship counseling online in India has helped many such couples regain their control over their own lives while maintaining harmony in their families.

Reaching out to one of the best online psychologists in India, helped foster the connection that they were losing with one another. In fact, they seem to be more comfortable and happy!

Benefits of Reaching Out to a Relationship Therapist in India


  • Understanding the root cause of problems: Signing up for relationship counseling online in India helped Rahul and Vaishali understand the primary cause of all the issues. The therapist helped them overcome their problems while understanding that they already have a lot of love for one another, so there is hope. The relationship therapist in India helped them look at their in-laws’ perspective as well while maintaining their calm.
  • Improving Communication: Most relationship problems arise because partners are not able to communicate with one another in an effective manner. This is where the best online psychologist in India helped them understand the nuances of communication and how it can resolve any problem almost instantly – if communicated with empathy.
  • Foster a sense of Empathy: The frustration building in Rahul and Vaishali was quickly calmed down after the relationship therapist in India helped them develop a sense of empathy not just for one another but for their in-laws as well. Going for relationship counselling helped them understand their in-laws’ point of view as well. This helped them understand where the trigger might be for potential fights.
  • Building Resilience: Going through personal issues along with familial relationship problems is very tough. One of the major takeaways from attending relationship counseling online in India was that Rahul and Vaishali as individuals built a sense of resilience that would help them not only in encountering problems with their in-laws, but in their own personal growth as well.
  • Reinforcing faith, love, and trust: Relationship counselling online in India helped Rahul and Vaishali reinforce the love, faith and trust they had in each other. In times of duress, it is important for people, particularly couples to be reminded of their love.
  • Techniques to overcome burnout: Dealing with so many problems in the family while trying to maintain their own well-being is an extremely tough task. However, taking sessions from the best online psychologist in India helped Rahul and Vaishali learn techniques to overcome burnout and anxiety.
  • Providing a toolkit for Anger Management: Most relationship therapists in India help couples develop and utilise a toolkit for anger management whenever they feel that they might get triggered or say something that they might regret later. This toolkit comprises various easy techniques that one can use to manage their emotions in times of crisis.
  • Developing self-care strategies: The therapists also helped them understand the importance of individual well-being and provided a safe space for them to express their desires and expectations from one another. Along with this, they also provided a list of strategies that they can implement on themselves to grow as persons and together as a couple.


Reaching out to relationship therapists in India, Be it in an in person mode or online has been highly beneficial for a variety of couples with diverse interests and multitude of problems. Growing advancements in technology is allowing couples to reach out to the best online psychologists in India within a few seconds and within the reach of their finger.

If you are one of those couples who are facing issues and want to resolve them or if you know someone who is going through a tough time in their relationship, suggesting them to look out for a relationship therapist in India can help tackle problems, evolve perspectives, and grow together!

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